SEO Techniques with all the Options Now

Therefore, in addition to applying all SEO techniques, the first question is to be clear about what we offer, where we do it and in what keywords we are interested in appearing. In the case of pharmacies, its location is especially relevant, so the city and neighborhood in which it is located must be clearly specified on the website. With the seo services small business you can have the best choices now.

Local SEO for clinics and hospitals

When it comes to local SEO strategies for doctors or private clinics, you have to think about the interests of the patients.

  • A patient will search for a clinic such as location, schedule, private insurance with which that clinic works, specialists who cover the pathology they want.
  • All these data must appear on the web, in the form of titles within the pages of the web or articles in the blog section.

For example, if you have a cosmetic surgery clinic and lip augmentation is one of the most requested services, you should enter keywords that resolve your potential clients’ doubts (price, how much it will hurt, post-operative time, if it is a safe treatment , how long the fillings last.)

If you cover all the questions of your patients and solve their doubts, your articles will receive more clicks, and every time a search related to that treatment is made, they will reach you more easily, and every time a greater number of users and potential clients .

As in the case of pharmacies, in some cases it is very important that your clinic website clearly specifies city and neighborhood.

Local SEO for the pharmaceutical industry

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most regulated industries in the world. Both by self-imposed regulations of each laboratory with its own compliance standards and by external standards, all marketing activity to promote pharmaceutical products online is very controlled.

Since information or direct dissemination of promotional items of prescription medications is not allowed, the SEO strategy of the laboratories has to be more subtle.

For example, if it is a very specialized laboratory in dermatology, it should include in its page sections in which extensive information on dermatological diseases for which products are marketed (psoriasis, eczema, impetigo …) is mentioned and mentioned (without entering in more details) the products and the active ingredient with which they work.

Once attracted to the online public, health professionals can be referred to visit a private section, where through disclaimers, they are informed that the information they are going to read is exclusively for professionals.


SEO is incredibly powerful, a very effective and long-lasting low cost strategy for our digital marketing. Although the health sector is one of the most regulated and careful in terms of its online dissemination, SEO can be applied almost without restrictions.

The great disadvantage of SEO for healthcare professionals is that it is a very changing sector: every year there are changes in the Google algorithm that can affect your positioning, and it is very difficult to be aware of their news when you already have enough work keeping you updated in the health sector. 

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