Generate more and more leads without paying extra for advertisement

2 min read

All the online business holders struggle to generate more and more leads. Most of them believe that just by using Facebook ads or Google ads they could generate all the leads they need. First of all, Facebook and Google ads are one of the best ways to generate leads for your website or blog. Second, not everyone is an expert to optimize them perfectly.

Why you are wasting your money on ads

If you keep posting ads and still struggle to make just one sell, then it means your sales funnel is flawed. If you never did any marketing and jumped into this business after seeing other making big profits, then you clearly overlooked a number of factors. A good marketing strategy is required to generate leads and make sales. Spending money on advertising is not going to help unless you are an expert with marketing. You need to invoke emotions in people to make them buy from you.

What is another way to generate leads without paying for ads?

There is a way that does not require paying for ads. You can rank high on Google search and people are going to click on your page. 90% of the people click on the pages they find on first page of Google. So if you are rank higher on Google search you are likely to get more and more traffic. If you are not an expert, you must consider hiring to help you rank higher. You can find great digital marketing agencies everywhere. Suppose you are living in Thailand then just Google search SEO influencers you will find a number of results. Go with the one that you will find on the first page. If they could rank themselves higher, then they can certainly help you rank higher on Google search.

This way you will not have to keep paying a lot of money on ads.

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